My Review of Raya and the Lost Dragon:
I say old boys and girls, this bit of ramshackled hootenanny is a bunch of malarkey in the water shed. I was trimming my nails whilst scrolling throuhg the netflix catalogue and saw this 'Talkie' and though "I say, this looks rather fascinating, why do I not give it a view" and so I gave it a view. I say old chaps, it was quite laughable. Raya is like a Pagan nationalist who is on a trip to find out who destroyed her creditor's union. Along the way, she meets Morris the dragon who advises her to not find out who destroyed her credit union because then she will be very sad. However, this only causes Raya to get more interested in the affair and kills Morris for trying to stop her. This is where thing sget interesting. After she kills MOrris, Morris' blood turns into a blood-ice golem that then kills raya by smashing her body. Then, Raya's blood turns into another blood-ice golem that begins fighting the other golem. The two fight for at least 30 on screen minutes in a pretty gruesome series of events. Then the Raya golem manages to kill Morris by using a pepper box pistol that her father gave her when she was a little golem girl. Then Raya's golem abosrbs Morris' and the two become 'Mor-raya the Chingifier'. The two fight over their conscious and eventually Morris manages to make Raya's conscious to go insane and kill herself (mentally). So the golem, now Morris tries to go to Raya's home village and kill her father who gave her the pistol because he hates him for giving the pistol to Raya. When he gets there, Raya's father impales Morris with a giant 1000 degree knife, causing him to melt into a giant pool of blood. Raya's father than has his magical bison drink up all the blood. After 2 months, the bison poops out Raya who is now half bison and can speak the bison language. She enters Bison society and begins speaking to the Bison chief who tells Raya that she needs to find Sissini, the witcher, who will show Raya how to become a certified Potion Brewer. Raya travels to Sissini who shows Raya how to become a potion brewer and Raya brews a magic stew that turns Sissini into an ape. Raya then kills sissini and drinks her blood, this makes Raya half witcher and the movies ends here on a cliffhanger. I was very dissapointed in this film, it left a lot of loose ends and overall the plot made no sense. Very dissapointed in disney, especially considering this movie cost me thirty dollars to watch. WOULD NOT RECCOMEND.